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标题: Philippe and Pierre  
不囧会死星人 (一3一)
Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 1996
精华 0
积分 323
帖子 301
番茄股票 0
阅读权限 30
注册 2008-8-6
来自 不囧会死星
状态 离线
Philippe and Pierre



About Philippe and Pierre
Philippe needs a body. Pierre needs a brain. Join this idiotic duo as they attempt to solve each other's biggest problem. Pierre attempts to put Philippe on top of his body, but his stupid plans never seem to work just right, and in the end, Philippe is usually the one who suffers. The Idiotic Adventures of Philippe and Pierre is a new animated web series that will feature episodes twice a month. It's a collaboration between Dave Schafman and Pileated Pictures.


[ 本帖最后由 不囧会死星人 于 2008-10-10 12:13 PM 编辑 ]

2008-10-10 12:11 PM#1
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